The Life and Liberation of Padmākara, the Second Buddha

Reposted from:

Padmasambhava the manifestation of Amitābha sent to tame sentient beings:

The Life and Liberation of Padmākara, the Second Buddha

from A Precious Garland of Lapis Lazuli [1]

by Jamgön Kongtrul

Namo Guru-buddhādi-padmākara-pādāya

Padmasambhava, known as the ‘Second Buddha’, has influenced countless beings through the essential vajrayāna teachings of secret mantra, and especially through his profound terma-treasure activities here in Tibet. This great master was not an ordinary person on the path, nor merely a noble being on one of the bodhisattva levels. Guru Padmasambhava was an emanation of both Buddha Amitābha and the peerless Śākyamuni, and his purpose was to pacify human and spirit beings that were otherwise difficult to tame. Even the great bodhisattvas are incapable of fully telling the story of his life and liberation, yet I shall nonetheless give a brief outline in the pages that follow.


Ngũ Trí Như Lai

Năm vị Ngũ Trí Như Lai
A Súc Bệ Như Lai, Bảo Sanh Như Lai, Tỳ Lô Giá Na Như Lai, Bất Không Thành Tựu Như Lai, A Di Đà Như Lai
Tượng năm vị ở chùa Tây Tạng tại Tỉnh Bình Dương, VN

Nguồn ảnh: Diệu Tịnh

Đăng lại từ: Báo Văn Hóa Phật Giáo


Nếu pháp giới là toàn thân Phật Tỳ-lô-giá-na, tại sao “có những sự khác biệt như khổ vui, tốt xấu, thọ ít hưởng nhiều, tất cả nghiệp và báo?”. Đây là câu hỏi Đức Văn-thù hỏi thay cho chúng sanh chúng ta trong chương Bồ-tát vấn minh, thứ 10.

Bồ-tát Giác Thủ trả lời bằng kệ:


Movie: The Shurangama Righteousness (2017) with English Subtitles

A Dharma movie about the Śūraṅgama Sūtra (which contains the Sitātapatra Uṣṇīṣa Dhāraṇī {also known to Tibetans as the White Umbrella Canopy Mantra}). In order for it to be transmitted to China, the Indian elder monk, Master Paramiti, cut and opened up his own biceps to insert a micronized version of it and sewed the wound back shut, so that he could pass undetected through the highly guarded checkpoints at the Indian border. And because of such heroic efforts on his part, the sūtra was finally able to be transmitted to China, for all of us to be able to keep the dharma well and alive for many more generations to come. The rest of the movie contains the contents of the actual sūtra.

Official synopsis: The buddhist sutra educational film, ‘The Shurangama Righteousness’, was produced by the ShiFang Leng Yan Academy of Rui Ji Si Monastery in Fujian, China. Made in 2015 -2017, the film is based on the chinese Mahayana buddhist text, the ‘Sutra of the Foremost Shurangama’. It opens with the transmission of the Sutra from India to China by the Elder Monk, Master Paramiti, during the Tang Dynasty, and its translation from sanskrit to chinese at a monastery in Guangzhou, China. The translators’ dialogue in the film forms the narrative backdrop for unfolding the story of Ananda’s predicament involving a Matanga woman, how he was later rescued by the Buddha with the power of the Shurangama Mantra, and Buddha instructing on the way to ulimate enlightenment (First chapter of the Sutra). Besides presenting the essence of the Sutra, the film also unveils the historical and harmonious cultural and religious interactions between the people of the 2 advanced ancient civilisations. It also gives us a glimpse into the lives of the ordinary people and the monastics during Buddha’s time when India was under the rule of King Prasenajit. The film was presented at various in-house viewing sessions organised by the Buddhist community in China in 2017. The film has far-reaching influence and was well-received by both Buddhist devotees and other movie viewers.

Phim: Kinh Thủ Lăng Nghiêm (Thuyết Minh) – Movie: The Shurangama Righteousness (2017) with Vietnamese Voiceovers

Để bộ Kinh Thủ Lăng Nghiêm được truyền sang Trung Quốc, ngài Bát Lạt Mật Đế đã xẻ bắp tay của chính mình để nhét bộ Kinh Thủ Lăng Nghiêm vào rồi may lại, ngài đã lọt qua sự kiểm soát gắt gao của các trạm kiểm soát ở biên giới Ấn Độ. Và cuối cùng bộ Kinh đã được truyền sang Trung Quốc cho chúng ta ngày nay được thọ trì. 


“Hậu hiền các vị ai hiểu được?
Xem kinh sao lại quá tầm thường!!!”
Sakya Minh Quang dịch

The Number 13 Not So Unlucky But Instead Holy and Auspicious

This is a repost from our article back in 2016 and part of the continued process of manually transferring all the remaining previous posts from our old web server onto this new one.  It’s only fitting that we repost this as it coincides with today being Friday the 13’th in North America. Although the article cites Buddha’s birthday on the date we posted back then, the story about the number 13 within the Tibetan culture is the game changer here. We hope you enjoy it.


Ngày Vui

Sớm mai vừa thức dậy
Nở  nụ cười tinh khôi
Tặng mình, tặng cho đời
Ngày mới luôn an vui.
Một ngày đang đi qua
Mỗi phút giây trân quí
Tỉnh thức từng cử chỉ
Niềm hạnh phúc ngay đây.
Ngày nay đã trôi qua
Xin cám ơn tất cả
Người, cỏ cây, đất đá
Có ngày vui trọn lành.

Chân Thanh Mỹ

September 10, 2019


English Menu Section Added

A couple of days ago we made a few important changes to the site including reformatting long menu item names which were originally setup to be bi-lingual: being in both English and Vietnamese languages. As we re-evaluated, it looked as if we were trying to cram and fit everything together; as an example our About” section used to be setup as “About-Giới Thiệu” and when you had clicked on it, within the page itself once completely opened, would also show both languages combined with English on the top and Vietnamese on the bottom, which made the page look longer than it originally was intended to not be and provided an unsatisfying overall UX (User Experience).
