English Menu Section Added

A couple of days ago we made a few important changes to the site including reformatting long menu item names which were originally setup to be bi-lingual: being in both English and Vietnamese languages. As we re-evaluated, it looked as if we were trying to cram and fit everything together; as an example our About” section used to be setup as “About-Giới Thiệu” and when you had clicked on it, within the page itself once completely opened, would also show both languages combined with English on the top and Vietnamese on the bottom, which made the page look longer than it originally was intended to not be and provided an unsatisfying overall UX (User Experience).


Site Update And Official Announcement Of Site Relaunch

Image Source: flicker

Happy Labor Day weekend everyone! To commemorate this holiday, I wanted to share news of our soft relaunch (if you haven’t already noticed the obvious front-end changes, I’ll explain more later in a bit) and what the rest of the team here has been up to for the past couple of years. In a nut shell, we all took a long break to focus on our spiritual dharma practices, tend to our normal daily lives and spend quality time with our families.
